the usa times – Church of a Nativity replacement median done

ROME – The Italian organisation restoring one of Christianity’s holiest sites – a Church of a Nativity in Bethlehem – says it’s some-more than median finished with a 14 million-euro project, that has already unclosed a Crusades-era mosaic angel dark underneath plaster.
Piacenti SpA, a family-run charge organisation from a Tuscan city of Prato, won a agreement to revive a biblical place of Jesus’ birth and began work in 2013 alongside Palestinian workers.
The renovate became required after UNESCO listed a site as endangered, with a leaky roof, rotting timber beams and centuries of built-up candle polish that blackened a shining mosaics toll a interior.
Piacenti CEO Giammarco Piacenti pronounced Monday a work is among a many gratifying of a restorers’ careers since they are “touching sky with their fingers.”

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