Project Interarch

The world of cultural heritage restoration, particularly in architecture, unfolds along a complex path that combines tradition and innovation. The degradation phenomena that affect various types of materials constituting these assets depend on the natural aging of the material itself, incorrect or lack of maintenance, and are accelerated by environmental factors. Research, therefore, aims to …

Nardini Editore – The Mosaics of the Nativity Church, Bethlehem. Analytical Investigation of the Glass Tesserae

The Nativity Church in Bethlehem is located over the cave that has been recognized from mid-second century as the place where Christ was born. The history of the building is known only partially. A first Basilica was erected in the 4th century, under Emperor Constantine and remade during the empire of Justinian, 6th c. The …

Reformatorisch Dagblad – Bethlehems geboortekerk ondergaat grondige restauratie

De Geboortekerk in Bethlehem krijgt een grondige opknapbeurt. De honderdduizenden toeristen en pelgrims die de kerk jaarlijks bezoeken, kunnen zien hoe deze er in de afgelopen eeuwen heeft uitgezien. De Geboortekerk markeert de plek waar –volgens de christelijke traditie– Christus werd geboren. In 2008 gaf het Palestijnse presidentieel comité opdracht om een wetenschappelijk en internationaal …

ANSAmed – Blue, pink for Nativity of Helen, Constantine

(by Massimo Lomonaco) BETHLEHEM – Restoration work at the Nativity Church in Bethlehem (West Bank) on the painted murals carried out at the request of Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen, that has been ongoing since 2013, has unveiled light blue and pink hues as well as shadows painted over 1,5000 years ago to decorate …


29/03/2017 – Today we give the numbers

170 between partners, collaborators, subcontractors and consultants. 33 materials’ shipments, 2,800 square meters of scaffolding, 20 tons of old wood, 200 kg of resin to wood screws only 55,000 for the roof; 2000 square meters of plywood, 2,800 square meters of sheets of lead, 2 tons of wool from Prato. 3 and a half years …

El Universal – Milagro cultural en Belén

La ciudad palestina será la capital mundial de la Cultura Arabe en el años 2020. Roma.- Por primera vez en la historia, las diferentes iglesias cristianas presentes en Tierra Santa -católica, ortodoxa y armenia- lograron vencer sus diferencias y ponerse de acuerdo, con la aprobación y apoyo de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina, para la restauración …



The restoration of the entire monastery of New Jerusalem is one of the most important federal restoration work sites currently underway in Russia, the financing of which draws on federal capital, as well as various charitable donations. The foundation set up for the restoration of the New Jerusalem Monastery was created on the initiative of …


Temple in Wood Capannori – Lucca

REMOVAL AND PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS – Wooden frame work support structure and swaddling with TNT (non woven fabric) 500g x sqm in several layers; – Construction of a structural form made in polyurethene expansion material perfect for supporting the side of the waterlogged monument giving the stability necessary to guarantee correct pressure and avoid damaging the …


Hotel Cerretani Florence

Piacenti SpA has entirely restored the plaster surfaces and all the metal balustrades of the inner court yard of the Hotel Cerretani. Restoration of the main façade in Via Cerretani required special attention to the reintegration of surfaces in grafitto. Galleria – Hotel Cerretani Firenze