Da Prato a Betlemme e ritorno: il racconto di un’avventura di lavoro, di arte, di fede

Restaurare il Cielo Da Prato a Betlemme e Ritorno: il racconto di un’avventura di lavoro, di arte, di fede Il Restauro della Basilica della Natività a Betlemme A cura di Mariella Carlotti Con il contributo di Giammarco Piacenti Produzione Marco Barbone Art director Andrea Benzoni Video di Tommaso Santi Museo di San Domenico Piazza San …

Meeting Rimini 2016

RESTAURARE IL CIELO, IL RESTAURO DELLA BASILICA DELLA NATIVITÀ A BETLEMME Sabato 20 agosto 2016 20.45 Sala Poste Italiane A4 Partecipano: Mariella Carlotti, Insegnante e Curatrice della Mostra; Giammarco Piacenti, Presidente Piacenti SpA; Tommaso Santi, Regista. Introduce Bernhard Scholz, Presidente Compagnia delle Opere. Il restauro della Basilica della Natività di Betlemme è certamente un’operazione eccezionale …


Restoration of the birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci

At Anchiano, close to Vinci, in a picturesque landscape, stands what is believed to be the house in which Leonardo was born on 15th April 1452. It is marked by what tradition considers the coat of arms “Da Vinci” carved in sandstone over the door. Previously restored in 1952 when internal and external structures added …


Rocca Conti Guidi a Vinci – Florence

Piacenti SpA created a special intervention for conservation while restoring all exterior areas in stone by careful weeding, biocide chemical treatments, removal of old grouting, surface consolidation of sandstone, dismantling and reassembling unstable parts, repointing, followed by a final cleaning and the application of protective treatment. A system of ties has been installed to stabilize …


Stone Industry and Mosaic Material

A Specific field of specialization by Piacenti SpA  is dedicated to the restoration of  artefacts in stone. It includes surfaces in  mosaic,  Florentine semi precious stone inlay, plaster, stucco and terracotta. Each intervention is processed on the basis of an in depth study of the technique, the constituent materials of the object and the actual …


Paintings on Canvas or Wood

The workshops of Piacenti S.p.A cover 2,400 square meters. Divided into laboratories and areas with specific purposes, all of which are equipped with air conditioning, burglar alarm and fire detection plants. Most of this area is served by and overhead weight lifting system that can lift 2’5 tons. The workshop for  paintings on canvas is …


Archaelogical Sites

From contemporary works to  archaeological sites. Every artifact becomes the object of a detailed study in order to restore it’s technical and material characteristics to their original state and to preserve the historical and artistic values of each. Archaeological research and restoration of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Roman site of the …


Monumental Buildings

Over time Piacenti SpA  has developed specific experience in the field of  recovery and storage  of works of complex architectural value, correlating problems that are at the same time aesthetic, functional and structural. Care is taken to see that each  monumental complex  and its decorative parts is approached with the mode of action most appropriate …