Restoration work done on the Villa Argentina by PIACENTI Spa was principally on the external walls and to rooms located on the ground floor of the building. On the upper floors work focused on final retouching, checking and general completion of work.
The following procedures were carried out in this order:
– Cleaning, consolidation, integration and chromatic integration of exterior stucco;
– Cleaning, consolidation, replacing and integration of the stucco cornices and of walls and ceilings on the ground and first floor rooms;
– Cleaning, consolidation and integration of silvered stucco in the salon (walls and ceiling) and subsequent ageing;
– Bringing to light of the original colours of decoration on mirrors in the stairwells, the green room and the porches;
– Restoration and integration of geometrical and floral decorations on frames and sashes, and the decorated embellishment of the ceiling of the portico;
– Restoration of fixtures with integration, where necessary, of silver leaf and it’s subsequent ageing;
– Restoration of painted wooden doors and windows with paper decorations.