tornos news – Impressive Christian mosaics unveiled in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity

Restoration workers at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus, have uncovered a mosaic of an angel which was previously hidden under plaster, according to the Italian news agency ANSA.It was the seventh mosaic uncovered during the current renovations, using a thermography technique that scans solid surfaces for works …

Orthodox Christian News – Repairs to Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity Reveal Mosaic of Angel

In Bethlehem’s Ancient Church, a Long Unseen Presence Appears Urgent repairs to the decaying Church of the Nativity yield an unexpected revelation. BETHLEHEM, WEST BANK Silvia Starinieri, a young restoration technician, was slowly passing a thermographic camera over the smooth plaster walls of the Church of the Nativity, the traditional birthplace of Jesus Christ, when …


NEW STRAITS TIMES – Hidden angel mosaic at Bethlehem shrine sees the light

BETHLEHEM: It was hidden for decades at the church on the site where Jesus Christ is believed to have been born until conservationists uncovered it – an ancient mosaic of an angel. Since 2013, Italian restorationists have been working with the Palestinian government in a mammoth effort to restore the Church of the Nativity in …


al-monitor – Hidden angel mosaic at Bethlehem shrine sees the light

It was hidden for decades at the church on the site where Jesus Christ is believed to have been born until conservationists uncovered it — an ancient mosaic of an angel. Since 2013, Italian restorationists have been working with the Palestinian government in a mammoth effort to restore the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem …


Metro News – A Bethléem, un “ange” apparaît dans l’église de la Nativité

Chaque année, la Nativité à Bethléem accueille deux millions de visiteurs. Aucun d’entre eux ne se doutait du “secret” qui était dissimulé derrière un mur de plâtre : un ange, représenté par une mosaïque. Celui-ci est apparu grâce à des travaux de rénovation, débutées en 2013. A l’aide de caméras thermiques comparables à celles utilisées …

piacenti-spa-egisto-nino-ceccatelli-photo-nativity-church-betlehem (23)

Zh Noticias – Novo anjo é descoberto na Basílica da Natividade em Belém

Um mosaico que representa um anjo, escondido na igreja construída onde Jesus Cristo nasceu, de acordo com a tradição cristã, foi descoberto graças a obras de restauração na Basílica da Natividade em Belém. Desde 2013, uma equipe italiana está reformando a Igreja, com permissão das autoridades palestinas. Os telhados e as janelas já foram consertados, …


Daily Mail – Hidden angel mosaic at Bethlehem shrine sees the light

It was hidden for decades at the church on the site where Jesus Christ is believed to have been born until conservationists uncovered it — an ancient mosaic of an angel. Since 2013, Italian restorationists have been working with the Palestinian government in a mammoth effort to restore the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem …