Riposte Catholique – Bethléem – Le 7ème ange retrouvé

Le septième ange de la Nativité, une mosaïque que l’on croyait détruite, a été retrouvé, au cours des travaux de réfection à l’intérieur de la basilique de la Nativité à Bethléem, en Terre Sainte. Cette découverte a été faite par une jeune restauratrice italienne de 28 ans, Silvia Starinieri, avec l’aide d’une caméra thermique, indique …

catholicregister – Italians finish restoring mosaics in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity

BETHLEHEM, West Bank – An Italian team has completed restoration of Crusader-era mosaics in the Church of the Nativity, but the mosaics will only be unveiled publicly after work on lighting, electricity and the fire alarm system is also finished. The work involved removing the layers of centuries-worth of soot and dirt – a result …


Franco Cardini – Gerusalemme: fosse la volta buona?

Bisogna far attenzione ai segni. Che di solito, in quella che per i cristiani è le Terrasanta e per gli ebrei Eretz Israel, “la Terra d’Israele”, non sono sempre granché buoni. Eppure stavolta potremmo esserci: potremmo risolvere almeno uno dei problemi che la riguarda. E non uno secondario. Ecco intanto il segno, se non l’auspicio. …

ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA CENTRI CULTURALI – Milano: Anteprima di “Restaurare il Cielo”

La mostra del Meeting 2016 sul Restauro della Natività Incontro di presentazione della mostra, in anteprima, “Restaurare il Cielo”, sul Restauro della Basilica della Natività di Betlemme che sarà presente al Meeting per l’amicizia tra i popoli a Rimini, dal 19 al 25 agosto 2016. Interverranno Giammarco Piacenti, Piacenti Restauri Spa Prato Mariella Carlotti, Curatrice …


RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY VIRGIN’S PROTECTION – Italians restore 900-year-old mosaics at Bethlehem church

Restorers, after clearing away centuries of dirt, discovered the Church of the Nativity had a seventh mosaic An Italian team has completed restoration of Crusader-era mosaics in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The mosaics will only be unveiled publicly after work on lighting, electricity and a fire alarm system. The work involved removing …

Asian Mirror – Restoration Workers Find Hidden Angel Mosaic In Bethlehem Church Of The Nativity

Restoration workers at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus, have uncovered a mosaic of an angel which was previously hidden under plaster, according to the Italian news agency ANSA. It was the seventh mosaic uncovered during the current renovations, using a thermography technique that scans solid surfaces for …


herald malaysia online – Italians restore 900-year-old mosaics at Bethlehem church

The mosaics will only be unveiled publicly after work on lighting, electricity and a fire alarm system. The work involved removing the layers of centuries-worth of soot and dirt – a result of the smoke of candles lit by pilgrims coming to venerate the site traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Jesus – from …


cmc terrasanta – La restauration de la basilique de la Nativité : les mosaïques et les colonnes

Dans la cour encore ouverte de la basilique de la Nativité, à la découverte des mosaïques retrouvant leur ancienne splendeur et un aperçu de la nouvelle phase de restauration des colonnes. A Bethléem, un nouveau « trésor » retourne à la lumière. A l’issue de l’opération délicate de la restauration du toit et du mur, …


Zenit – Terre Sainte: à Bethléem, le septième ange de la Nativité retrouvé

Le septième ange de la Nativité, une mosaïque que l’on croyait détruite, a été retrouvé, au cours des travaux de réfection à l’intérieur de la basilique de la Nativité à Bethléem, en Terre Sainte. Cette découverte a été faite par une jeune restauratrice italienne de 28 ans, Silvia Starinieri, avec l’aide d’une caméra thermique, indique …