
Christian Today – Ancient mosaic discovered in Church of the Nativity

An ancient mosaic hidden for centuries has been uncovered in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity. An eight-foot tall angel was found by a team working on the restoration of the fourth century church, which was built by the Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena in 339 AD over what is believed to be the place of Jesus’ birth.


lenta – В Вифлееме нашли неизвестного ангела

В храме на предполагаемой родине Иисуса Христа реставраторы обнаружили скрытую многие сотни лет под слоем штукатурки мозаику. Об этом сообщает The Daily Mail. Открытие совершила Сильвия Стариньери (Silvia Starinieri), ассистент реставратора. Она медленно проводила термографической камерой по покрытой штукатуркой стене церкви Рождества в Вифлееме, и обратила внимание на необычные выпуклости на одном из участков. Когда …


Daily Mail – The angel that looks over the birthplace of Jesus

The angel that looks over the ‘birthplace of Jesus’: Incredible mosaic discovered under plaster walls in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem The intact mosaic angel stands eight feet tall in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem Church was built in the place where Jesus is believed to have been born Along with …


mysteryplanet – Un ángel aparece en el lugar del nacimiento de Jesús: Mosaico de cientos de años de antigüedad es encontrado en iglesia de Belén

Silvia Starinieri, una técnica de restauración de 28 años de edad, utilizaba una cámara termográfica para estudiar uno de los vetustos muros de la Iglesia de la Natividad, considerada el lugar tradicional del nacimiento de Jesús, cuando de repente notó que una intrigante figura aparecía ante sus ojos. De acuerdo con la revista National Geographic, …

piacenti-spa-egisto-nino-ceccatelli-photo-nativity-church-betlehem (34)

Michael Jackaman – In Bethlehem’s Ancient Church, a Long Unseen Presence Appears

By Anne-Marie O’Connor. BETHLEHEM, WEST BANKSilvia Starinieri, a young restoration technician, was slowly passing a thermographic camera over the smooth plaster walls of the Church of the Nativity, the traditional birthplace of Jesus Christ, when she spotted an intriguing shape. As she and her colleagues began painstakingly scraping away the plaster, a radiant face emerged, …


MSN – French Prime Minister Manuel Valls visits the Church of the Nativity

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls visits the Church of the Nativity, traditionally believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, Monday, May 23, 2016. Valls is on an official visit to the region. Read the complete article on


The Jerusalem Post – French PM Valls visits Church of Nativity

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls visited the Church of Nativity on Monday, after he reaffirmed France’s intention to hold a June 3 international peace conference to revive peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. Valls arrived at the West Bank city of Bethlehem where he toured the church, currently under renovation and the place believed by …


Lettera 43 – Betlemme, il restauro made in Italy della Natività

di Barbara Ciolli L’eccellenza italiana salva la Basilica di Betlemme. Prima in stato di degrado. Adesso pronta a tornare a splendere. Grazie al lavoro di quasi 200 professionisti. Oro e argento per i raggi di luce, delicate tessere di madreperla per rappresentare i fiori e i monili della Betlemme dell’anno zero. Il tetto di legni …


ACI Stampa – Terra Santa: torna al suo splendore il luogo dove nacque Gesù

BETLEMME, 16 maggio, 2016 / 10:00 AM (ACI Stampa).- I bellissimi mosaici della Basilica della Natività a Betlemme riprendono vita. Continuano infatti i lavori di restauro della chiesa più importante della cristianità, partiti un anno e mezzo fa dal tetto, e giunti oggi al basso della navata della basilica, considerata per l’arte bizantina, una delle …