
Asia News – Bethlehem: the restoration of the Basilica of the Nativity uncovers extraordinary mosaics

Spearheaded by the Palestinian Authority and supported by the Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Churches, the work has restored mosaics, roof, and trusses. For a Christian leader, renovations are “very interesting”, something “beyond our expectations,” but “new funding” is needed to complete them. Bethlehem (AsiaNews) – Sobhy Makhoul, chancellor of the Maronite Patriarchate in Jerusalem …


Materiale Lapideo e Musivo

Uno specifico settore della Piacenti S.p.A. si occupa del restauro di manufatti lapidei, trattando anche superfici in mosaico, in commesso fiorentino, in scagliola, in stucco e terracotta. Ogni intervento viene elaborato sulla base di un approfondito studio della tecnica esecutiva, dei materiali costitutivi e dello stato conservativo. Fra le specifiche competenze dell’impresa Piacenti S.p.A., rientrano, …


Vesti – В Вифлееме нашли загадочную “чрезвычайно ценную” икону

“Мы нашли очень древнюю и чрезвычайно ценную икону, но пока не можем никому её показать” — примерно так выглядит новость из Вифлеема в кратком изложении. Первое сообщение о находке появилось на сайте палестинского информационного агентства Ма’ан, а британская газета Mail Online любезно собрала все факты, известные на сегодняшний день. – Икона была обнаружена в базилике …


ekklisiaonline – Μια «μυστηριώδη» παλιά εικόνα ανακαλύφθηκε στο Ναό της Γέννησης στη Βηθλεέμ κατά τα έργα ανακαίνισης

που χρονολογείται ότι είναι πολλών αιώνων μια εικόνα « μεγάλης ιστορικής και θρησκευτικής αξίας», ανακοίνωσε το Σάββατο ο Ziad al-Bandak, ο σύμβουλος της παλαιστινικαής προεδρίας επί χριστιανικών υποθέσεων.Ο Al-Bankak δήλωσε στο πρακτορείο τύπου Maan ότι η εικόνα ανακαλύφθηκε πλησίον ενός παράθυρου κάτω από το σοβά εδώ και 2 μήνες και είναι κατασκευασμένη από χαλκό, άργυρο, …


Fox News – Mysterious artifact discovered at Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity

A mysterious religious artifact has surfaced during renovations at Bethlehem’s famous Church of the Nativity, officials say. According to the Times of Israel, the artifact is made of brass, silver, shells and stones. It was covered in plaster and found near a window in the church that reportedly was built by Emperor Constantine and his …


Seeker – Mysterious Icon Found at Bethlehem Church

Restoration work in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem has brought to light an icon of great religious and historical value, officials say. Ziad al-Bandak, a Palestinian presidential adviser for Christian Affairs, told Ma’an news agency that the centuries-old icon is made of brass, silver, shells and stones. He added the religious artifact was …

CBN News – “Religious and Historical” Icon Uncovered at Church of the Nativity

JERUSALEM, Israel – Experts working on the restoration of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem found an “iconic painting” that one Palestinian Authority official says is of “great religious and historical value.” Ziad al-Bandak, chairman of the committee overseeing the renovation, told the P.A.’s semi-official Ma’an news agency, the icon, made of brass, silver, …


i24news – Cisjordanie: une icône découverte dans l’église de la Nativité à Bethléem

De grandes rénovations, les plus importantes depuis 600 ans, sont actuellement en cours dans l’église Une icône a récemment été découverte dans l’église de la Nativité à Bethléem en Cisjordanie alors que d’importantes rénovations sont actuellement en cours, rapporte the Times of Israel dimanche. Il s’agit des plus grandes rénovations depuis 600 ans, selon l’AP. …


Times of Israel – Centuries-old icon uncovered in Bethlehem church

Neglected for over 200 years, Church of the Nativity is in the midst of a large-scale renovation. Workers renovating Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity have uncovered a centuries-old icon “of great religious and historical value,” Ziad al-Bandak, a Palestinian presidential adviser for Christian Affairs, said Saturday. Al-Bandak told the Ma’an news agency that the icon …

Radio Vaticana – 예수 탄생 기념 교회 새단장을 하다

해마다 수천명의 순례객들이 방문하는 베들레햄의 ‘예수 탄생 기념 교회’가 2년간의 복원작업을 마치고 다시 모습을 드러내었다. 아기 예수님의 탄생지인 베들레헴의 예수 탄생 기념 교회는 세계적인 전문가들의 손길로 복원작업이 이루어졌고 2년만에 시작단계의 작업이 마무리되었다. 예수님께서 탄생하셨던 동굴은 UNESCO에 의해 복원의 필요성이 제기되었다. 오랜시간 비에 의해 손상된 지붕으로 인해 실내가 훼손될 위협이 있다고 판단되어져 이탈리아의 실비아 스타리니에리(Silvia Starinieri)가 …