
News.va – Church of Nativity undergoes restoration project

(Vatican Radio) Every year thousands of pilgrims flock to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in the Holy Land to visit the place where Jesus was born. Now they will be able to see the fruits of a two year restoration project at the Holy site as Lydia O’Kane reports. It’s taken two years, …

BBC Arabic – اكتشاف فسيفساء تاريخية في كنيسة بيت لحم

أعلن المسؤولون عن مشروع ترميم كنيسة المهد في مدينة بيت لحم، عن كشف خبراء فلسطينيين ودوليين عن أيقونة تاريخية وصفوها بالكنز الأثري الثمين، داخل الكنيسة، والتي كانت قد بنيت عام 335 لميلاد في عهد القديسة هيلانة والدة الامبراطور الروماني قسطنطين. ويحظى الاكتشاف الأخير باهتمام رسمي فلسطيني كبير لما للكنيسة من مكانة هامة دينية وتاريخية بالنسبة …

Archaeology News Network – First phase of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity restoration completed

After two years of painstaking work, experts have completed the initial phase of a delicate restoration project at the Church of the Nativity, giving a much-needed face-lift to one of Christianity’s holiest sites. The project, partially funded by the Palestinians and conducted by a team of Palestinian and international experts, is the biggest restoration at …


Albawaba – Palestinians complete renovation of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

According to Christian tradition, the 1,600-year-old Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is located on the birthplace of Jesus, and is therefore one of the holiest sites in the world. Now, after two years of renovation work, the church has had a face-lift. The renovation efforts were headed up by Palestinian and international experts, with …


Yahoo News – Palestinians renovate church at Jesus’ birthplace

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — After two years of painstaking work, experts have completed the initial phase of a delicate restoration project at the Church of the Nativity, giving a much-needed face-lift to one of Christianity’s holiest sites. The project, partially funded by the Palestinians and conducted by a team of Palestinian and international experts, …


Vatican Radio – Church of Nativity undergoes restoration project

(Vatican Radio) Every year thousands of pilgrims flock to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in the Holy Land to visit the place where Jesus was born. Now they will be able to see the fruits of a two year restoration project at the Holy site as Lydia O’Kane reports. It’s taken two years, …


La natività della Natività

La Basilica della Natività a Betlemme era in origine interamente tappezzata di mosaici straordinari, ormai bisognosi però di restauro. Gran parte di quelle pregevolissime opere era infatti offuscata dal tempo, dall’incuria, dai molti interventi sovrapposti: ora, e fino a giugno, sono in corso i restauri, particolarmente delicati, dell’intero complesso. E sono stati affidati agli esperti …

abc Cultura – Renacen los guardianes del pesebre en Belén

En medio de un Oriente Medio marcado por la violencia confesional y las banderas negras del grupo yihadista Daesh, que arrasa con seres humanos y patrimonio cultural, el brillo que emana de los mosaicos que han salido a la luz durante la rehabilitación de la Basílica de la Natividad de Belén son una llama de …

lastampa.it – La Rinascita della Natività Betlemme

Larici veneziani, querce turche, lana italiana, piombo tedesco e i chiodi di Giustiniano: sono le materie prime con cui una trentina di ingegneri, architetti e restauratori toscani sono impegnati a realizzare il primo restauro della chiesa della Natività negli ultimi seicento anni. Costruita dall’imperatore Giustiniano nell’anno 531 sul luogo dove sarebbe nato Gesù, più volte …