
the catholic universe – Italians finish restoring mosaics in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity

An Italian team has completed restoration of Crusader-era mosaics in the Church of the Nativity, but the mosaics will only be unveiled publicly after work on lighting, electricity and the fire alarm system is also finished. The work involved removing the layers of centuries-worth of soot and dirt — a result of the smoke of …


Radio Vaticana – В базиликата на Витлеем е открита двуметрова мозайка изобразяваща ангел

Векове наред, под слоеве мазилка, прах и сажди се е криел един ангел, за чието съществуване никой дори не предполагаше. Това е последното и сензационно открие, направено преди броени дни в Базиликата на Рождеството във Витлеем, където съвсем случайно италианската реставраторка Силвия Стариниери отрива седмият ангел, който заедно с останалите шест, сформира една своеобразна процесия …


katholisches – Siebter Engel der Geburtskirche in Bethlehem gefunden

(Jerusalem) Der siebte Engel der Grabeskirche in Bethlehem, von dem alle glaubten, er sei zerstört worden, wurde gefunden. In der Geburtskirche werden derzeit Restaurierungsarbeiten durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der Thermographie, die unter anderem im Bereich der Kunst und der Altertumskunde eingesetzt wird, um verborgene Schichten und Kunstschätze zu entdecken, gelang der sensationelle Fund. Ursprünglich war das …


The Compass – Italians finish restoring mosaics in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity

BETHLEHEM, West Bank — An Italian team has completed restoration of Crusader-era mosaics in the Church of the Nativity, but the mosaics will only be unveiled publicly after work on lighting, electricity and the fire alarm system is also finished. The work involved removing the layers of centuries-worth of soot and dirt — a result …

piacenti-spa-egisto-nino-ceccatelli-photo-nativity-church-betlehem (23)

Radio Vaticana – 白冷耶稣诞生大殿内的第七个马赛克天使被重新找到:文物修复者倍感喜悦

(梵蒂冈电台讯)意大利文物修复专家日前利用热敏成像技术重新找到了白冷耶稣诞生大殿内的第七个马赛克天使。新发掘的马赛克天使高约三米,在这之前,所有人都认为它已经被毁坏。圣殿内原有的2000平方米马赛克画仅有十分之一保存至今。 意大利年轻的文物修复家斯塔里涅里(Silvia Starinieri)女士向梵蒂冈电台表示:“我们从文学作品和历史文献得知,在大殿结构的中央部分原有马赛克装饰。这些装饰可能在1800年的内饰装修时被掩盖起来。我们利用热敏成像技术分析墙面灰泥内可能存在的脱离与腐坏情况时,也注意到在灰泥层下可能存在另一种材料。之後经过数个星期的努力,我们发掘了一整块天使马赛克画。” Read the complete article on zh.radiovaticana.va


americamagazine – Italians Finish Restoring Mosaics in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity

An Italian team has completed restoration of Crusader-era mosaics in the Church of the Nativity, but the mosaics will only be unveiled publicly after work on lighting, electricity and the fire alarm system is also finished. The work involved removing the layers of centuries-worth of soot and dirt—a result of the smoke of candles lit …


Abba News – L’eccellenza italiana fa risplendere la Natività

L’eccellenza italiana riporta alla luce la bellezza della Basilica della Natività. Nel 2013 sono iniziati i lavori di restauro della Basilica della Natività di Betlemme, inserita dall’Unesco nell’elenco del patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità dal giugno del 2012. La Basilica della Natività di Betlemme è costituita da due chiese e da una cripta, ovvero la grotta della …

Ansa Cultura – L’angelo ritrovato nella Natività a Betlemme

L’angelo scomparso è stato ritrovato. Si tratta dell’ultimo magnifico esempio di arte musiva che, grazie all’ italiana Piacenti S.p.A., considerata leader mondiale nel restauro, si aggiunge agli altri mosaici della Basilica della Natività di Betlemme, il luogo dove secondo la tradizione sarebbe nato Cristo. “Dei duemila metri di mosaici originali è stato possibile salvarne circa …