washingtonpost.com – The Church of the Nativity, Jesus’s birthplace, gets its first repairs in more than 500 years

BETHLEHEM, West Bank — When Pope Francis arrives here Sunday on his first trip to the Holy Land as pontiff, he will enter the Church of the Nativity for private contemplation at the grotto believed to mark the birthplace of Jesus Christ. He may also notice that the church is falling apart. The 1,700-year-old basilica …


Pravmir – Renovation of Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem will cost 20 million

The work may take from four to five years. The total cost of the renovation is estimated at $20 million. The committee on the renovation of the church is headed by Ziyad al-Bandak, an adviser to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Christians’ affairs, the press service for the Jerusalem department of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine …


Patriarcato latino di Gerusalemme – Restauro della Basilica della Natività : ‘Segno dei Tempi’ a favore dell’ecumenismo

NTERVISTA – Un accordo storico è stato firmato nel settembre 2010 tra le Chiese che condividono la Basilica della Natività a Betlemme, con il patrocinio dell’Autorità Palestinese. Un « Segno dei Tempi », per sua natura stessa, proviene sempre da un’altra volontà per impegnare la nostra ! Oggi, i lavori sono in corso, e molti …


The Rakyat Post – Christian rivals find unity in Nativity church restoration

WHEN Pope Francis visits Bethlehem in May he will see scaffolding covering the roof of the Church of the Nativity. It may be an eyesore, but it symbolises a rare show of unity among rival Christian faiths that are working together to restore the ancient basilica. Built in the fourth century by the Roman Emperor …


China Post – Christian rivals find unity in quest to restore Church of the Nativity

When Pope Francis visits Bethlehem in May he will see scaffolding covering the roof of the Church of the Nativity. It may be an eyesore, but it symbolizes a rare show of unity among rival Christian faiths that are working together to restore the ancient basilica. Built in the fourth century by the Roman Emperor …


Asiaone – Christian rivals find unity in Nativity church restoration

BETHLEHEM, Palestinian Territories – When Pope Francis visits Bethlehem in May he will see scaffolding covering the roof of the Church of the Nativity. It may be an eyesore, but it symbolises a rare show of unity among rival Christian faiths that are working together to restore the ancient basilica. Built in the fourth century …


The Malay Mail Online – Christian rivals find unity in Nativity church restoration

When Pope Francis visits Bethlehem in May he will see scaffolding covering the roof of the Church of the Nativity. It may be an eyesore, but it symbolises a rare show of unity among rival Christian faiths that are working together to restore the ancient basilica. Built in the fourth century by the Roman Emperor …


lepoint.fr – Basilique de la Nativité : une restauration pour retrouver l’unité chrétienne

Quand le pape François se rendra en pèlerinage en mai à Bethléem, il apercevra le toit de la basilique de la Nativité couvert d’échafaudages, symbole de la volonté de restaurer l’unité entre les Églises qui se la partagent. Bâti au IVe siècle par l’empereur romain Constantin et réaménagé par Justinien au VIe siècle, le monument …


Med India – Rival Christian Faiths Come Together to Restore Church of Nativity

Different Christian faiths in Bethlehem have forgotten their rivalries and are working towards achieving a common goal, restoring the ancient basilica of the Church of Nativity. Built in the fourth century by the Roman Emperor Constantine and restored by Justinian after a fire in the sixth century, the shrine over the cave where Jesus is …

doxologia.ro – Biserica Nașterii Domnului din Betleem a intrat în renovare după 600 de ani

In timpul vizitei de la Betleem din ultimele luni, pelerinii au observat ceva diferit la aspectul bisericii Nașterii Domnului. Înconjurată de schele, biserica  aflată pe locul unde Tradiția spune că Domnul S-a născut se află în reparații mai mult decât necesare după trecerea a aproximativ  600 de ani. Experții afirmă că apa care se scurge …