pablo hiriart – Recuperan mosaicos de la Basílica de la Natividad de Belén

Un trabajo de restauración lento y meticuloso ha permitido sacar a la luz los tesoros perdidos de la Basílica de la Natividad de la ciudad palestina de Belén, donde según la tradición cristiana nació Jesús de Nazareth Notimex Un trabajo de restauración lento y meticuloso ha permitido sacar a la luz los tesoros perdidos de …

Montana standard – Italian firm restoring Nativity Church: Like touching heaven

ROME (AP) — The Italian firm restoring one of Christianity’s holiest sites — the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem — says it’s more than halfway finished with the 14 million-euro project, which has already uncovered a Crusades-era mosaic angel hidden under plaster. Piacenti SpA, a family-run conservation firm from the Tuscan town of Prato, …

news on a hand – Italian firm restoring Nativity Church: Like touching heaven

ROME – The Italian firm restoring one in all Christianity’s holiest websites — the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem — says it is greater than midway completed with the 14 million-euro mission, which has already uncovered a Crusades-era mosaic angel hidden underneath plaster. Piacenti SpA, a family-run conservation firm from the Tuscan city of …

elko daily – Italian firm restoring Nativity Church: Like touching heaven

ROME (AP) — The Italian firm restoring one of Christianity’s holiest sites — the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem — says it’s more than halfway finished with the 14 million-euro project, which has already uncovered a Crusades-era mosaic angel hidden under plaster. Piacenti SpA, a family-run conservation firm from the Tuscan town of Prato, …

rublev – Реставраторы освоили более половины работ по восстановлению церкви Рождества Христова в Вифлееме

Представители итальянской фирмы Piacenti SpA заявили, что после начала работ в базилике Рождества Христова в Вифлееме в 2013 году им удалось реализовать более половины задач по реставрации всемирно известного храма. Об этом сообщает CBS со ссылкой на Associated Press. В частности, специалисты раскрыли фрагменты мозаики с изображением ангела, которое датируется эпохой Крестовых походов. Для этого …


It is revered by different Christian sects and draws more than a million visitors to the Holy Land every year, making it the biggest tourist attraction in the Palestinian territories. The Church of the Nativity, built by Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, sits in Bethlehem above what’s believed to be the birthplace of …


It is revered by different Christian sects and draws more than a million visitors to the Holy Land every year, making it the biggest tourist attraction in the Palestinian territories. The Church of the Nativity, built by Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, sits in Bethlehem above what’s believed to be the birthplace of …

Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette – Church of Nativity restoration half done

ROME — The Italian firm restoring one of Christianity’s holiest sites — the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem — says it’s more than halfway finished with the $14.9 million project, which has already uncovered a Crusades-era mosaic angel hidden under plaster. Piacenti SpA, a family-run conservation firm from the Tuscan town of Prato, won …

deseret news faith – Italian firm restoring Nativity Church: Like touching heaven

ROME — The Italian firm restoring one of Christianity’s holiest sites — the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem — says it’s more than halfway finished with the 14 million-euro project, which has already uncovered a Crusades-era mosaic angel hidden under plaster. Piacenti SpA, a family-run conservation firm from the Tuscan town of Prato, won …

theeagle – Italian firm restoring Nativity Church: Like touching heaven

ROME (AP) — The Italian firm restoring one of Christianity’s holiest sites — the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem — says it’s more than halfway finished with the 14 million-euro project, which has already uncovered a Crusades-era mosaic angel hidden under plaster. Piacenti SpA, a family-run conservation firm from the Tuscan town of Prato, …