Foto restauro della Basilica della Natività a Betlemme

zhentiyuan – ARTIGIANI ITALIANI 意大利手工业

L’abilita? di lavorare il legno, quella di assemblare piccole tessere di mosaico, di affrescare gli interni dei palazzi, di costruire meravigliose vetrate, di realizzare abiti, imponenti lampadari e sculture di ogni genere: l’artigianato italiano si lega indissolubilmente all’arte, con tecniche tramandate generazione dopo generazione. 木头加工、组装小块的马赛克、在室内画壁画、制作精美的彩色玻璃、制造礼服、水晶灯部件以及各种雕塑:意大利的手工业跟艺术有着千丝万缕的关系,并把这项技术世代相传。 L’Italia patria dell’arte, straordinario museo diffuso, non poteva non sviluppare …

indcatholicnews – Bethlehem: Ancient mosaics discovered during restoration works at Church of Nativity

Ancient images are being revealed for the first time in centuries at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem which is undergoing major restoration work. Layers of candle smoke and plaster is being carefully removed from the walls and columns, and experts are carefully cleaning and reattaching the sparking mosaic pieces. Last month a 12th …

domus europa – GERUSALEMME: FOSSE LA VOLTA BUONA? Di Franco Cardini*.

Bisogna far attenzione ai segni. Che di solito, in quella che per i cristiani è le Terrasanta e per gli ebrei Eretz Israel, “la Terra d’Israele”, non sono sempre granché buoni. Eppure stavolta potremmo esserci: potremmo risolvere almeno uno dei problemi che la riguarda. E non uno secondario. Ecco intanto il segno, se non l’auspicio. …

piacenti-spa-egisto-nino-ceccatelli-photo-nativity-church-betlehem (23)

Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem – The Basilica of Nativity: Restoration works continue to reveal hidden jewels

BETHLEHEM – Restoration works are still on going in one of the oldest and holiest basilicas in the world; the Basilica of the Nativity. In this second report (1st report) we will talk about the mosaics in the transepts and give an overview of the restoration works that have taken place throughout history. Mosaics in …

israelbetweenthelines – Angel discovered in Bethlehem

An Italian team of restorers discovered a long hidden angel mosaic at Bethlehem’s Nativity Church. The 7th angel points to the direction of the cave which is said to be the birthplace of Jesus. The Italian team works with tourists and priests passing by – the city’s main attraction is not closed down for the …

rivistasitiunesco – Basilica della Natività di Betlemme, prosegue il restauro

C’è un luogo, nel mondo, che unisce e non divide. Che mette insieme uomini e religioni. Che da sempre è simbolo di pace, fratellanza e amore universale. Questo luogo, paradossalmente, è in Palestina, a Betlemme, e da alcuni anni è protagonista di uno dei più interessanti restauri musivi, quello della Basilica della Natività, bene patrimonio …

orthodoxia – Restoration Works at the Church of the Nativity in Progress – Bethlehem

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is originally built in 339 AD, and after a fire rebuilt in the 6th century AD. Necessary restorations are taking place at the moment, by the Piacenti Spa Organization. Recently the mosaic of an angel was discovered, until then completely covered by plaster. Together with the newly uncovered …

Serbian Orthodox Church – Restoration Works at the Church of the Nativity in Progress – Bethlehem

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is originally built in 339 AD, and after a fire rebuilt in the 6th century AD. Necessary restorations are taking place at the moment, by the Piacenti Spa Organization. Recently the mosaic of an angel was discovered, until then completely covered by plaster. Together with the newly uncovered …


jewishmediaagency – Hidden angel mosaic at Church of the Nativity sees the light

(AFP) It was hidden for decades at the church on the site where Jesus is believed to have been born until conservationists uncovered it – an ancient mosaic of an angel. Since 2013, Italian restorationists have been working with the Palestinian government in a mammoth effort to restore the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem …